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About My Philosophy

Between Aunt Hilda’s panic over the lack of a feeding schedule, and the myriad of books promising to get your baby or babies to “sleep through the night" and “learn independence”, it is important to know that not all advice was created equal. 

While there are books, apps, and an abundance of literature out there, the expert on your baby whose opinion trumps the lot is yours. 
No author has written a book specifically about your baby. They do not know their temperament, individual sleep needs, or appetite.I am not saying that that there are no good parenting resources out there - there are! However, my goal is to empower parents to trust their own instinctive, intuitive expertise by getting to know your baby. 

By focusing on your baby, learning to read their cues, holding, feeding, washing, playing with, massaging and getting to know them, you will learn how to respond to their needs intuitively. You will build your own confidence, and be more at ease with this new little person or little people in your life. You will build a stronger, healthier relationship by reading and responding to your baby’s cues than you ever could by trying to program them through an app or a book written by a “childcare expert.” 

You are the expert on your baby. 
I work with families to provide holistic, evidence backed and attachment-preserving solutions to the obstacles parents tackle in the early years. By providing guidance on gentle sleep coaching and breastfeeding support, parents are empowered to overcome hurdles in a way that is right for them, instead of reluctantly trying "one size fits all" parenting tactics.

About My Philosophy: About
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